Incorporate the principles of physics. Manipulate objects by taking into account their collisions and rebounds.
player: multiple rule: physics on pressed: reverse state
on holding: thrust rule: physics field: weather
rule: physics rule: time limit weapon: arc
on sliding: thrust rule: physics
on pressed: reverse state rule: physics field: bottomless
rule: physics on pressed: reverse state field: bottomless
obstacle: well up rule: physics on holding: extend on released: erase obstacle: penalty
field: roughness on pressed: jump on holding: thrust rule: physics field: water
on holding: inhale obstacle: penalty rule: physics player: reciprocate obstacle: well up
on pressed: jump on pressed: turn field: floors field: bottomless rule: physics
field: weather on sliding: thrust rule: physics
rule: classify on pressed: reverse state rule: physics field: pins
on pressed: reverse state weapon: explosion rule: chain rule: physics field: outpost
rule: classify rule: physics field: pins on holding: stop on pressed: reverse state